Global MonacoSAT-1 Coverage

West Ku band MonacoSAT-1 Coverage

East Ku band MonacoSAT-1 Coverage

MENA Ku band MonacoSAT-1 Coverage

Population Covered

The satellite will cover more than 1.6 billion people located in Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, which is 19% of the World population holding 7 billion people.

  • 36% Active Population

  • 64% Covered Population

The population is at 21% Urban, which represents 435 million people.

3% of the household incomes are below 10% on average and 28% of the average household incomes are above 10% on average.

  • 19% Covered Population

  • 81% World Population

The active part (15-52 years) of that covered population represents 36% of the total, hence counts around 925 million people. The median age is on average 33 years.

  • 21% Urban Population

  • 79% Covered Population


  • 7% $ Health Expenditure

  • 93% $ GDP

The total GDP (official exchange rate) raised by the covered countries reach 215,518 billion $. From that amount, each country spends about 7% of their GDP for their health expenditure, which represents in total 14,245 billion $.

The total hospital bed density reaches 328 beds/ 1,000 population with an average of 4 beds/ 1,000 population among the countries.


Main Lines..............................................716,492,500




Internet Hosts.....................................236,522,585


Internet Users.....................................898,415,398


In total, the main telephone lines in use (2012) are counted to reach 716 million users; the mobile phones (2012) within the coverage are used by around 3 billion people; the internet hosts (2012) are counted to 237 million and the total internet users (2009) reach 898 million.


The satellite will cover about 41 million km2, which englobes more than 90 countries.